Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Open Priest counseling +7 981 130 83 85 Call Now Phone, WhatsApp at Priest answer to Any Questions, chat online with pastor, Counseling, Confession, Communion, Repentance, Order a prayer

Priest counseling +7 981 130 83 85 Call Now Phone, WhatsApp at Priest answer to Any Questions, chat online with pastor, Counseling, Confession, Communion, Repentance, Order a prayer - Shepherd Online. Get the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 Phone, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger
Hello I’m father Nicolae.
I will help you to deal with Problems at Workplace, Job issues, problems at home, in your Family, Relationships, Life or Business, receive the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone, Skype, Live Chat
Life is good! Learn instantly online how to solve life problems, constantly improving the quality of your life. I will counsel you on any life or business problems, ready to provide you with online support and find the best solution to you problem or just listen you problems. Online consultations: -Life problems, business problems. -Answers to the secret Life questions. -Life advice. -How to have good Relationships. -Family counseling etc.
References: internet search Nicolae Cirpala.
How to order: -Make the donation to PayPal, or card ( just push the button above and folow the steps enter email and order you will redirect to PayPal to pay donation)
-Prepare a Question or Topic for Discussion
-Set up appointment. (send me your Skype or messenger contact )
-Check the computer or phone for consultation, microphone, headphones
-Get advice
Recommend Donation: - Phone or online conversation in messengers 1$ / 1min donation
- Online Chat, WhatsApp etc. 70$ / 1 ​​hour donation
-Personal meeting donation + Airfare (Possible only after online counseling.)
Thank you very much for reading this, you are Great!!! Call wherever you are now for consultation, lifelong support, to became a church member or cooperation.
Please make a donation now, a good deed for your soul Today - Donate to support our Global Prayer Chain #MessageToBillions that are helping many people globally! To donate just purchase and download Books for life from our store (for a bigger donation just order more Books, there is no limits)
Feel Free to Download Nicolae Cirpala Books support my vital initiatives and Join my interesting discussions in social networks: comment it, like it, share it, subscribe and Call Now to get lifelong: Life coaching, Marriage counseling and Business consultations - online by: Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone +79811308385
I'm building a good online Heavenly Parent’s Church #MessageToBillions and now have an happy life viral marathon just try to get 1B people to join please join and invite others whom you feel will Cooperate for this noble Vital cause, Volunteer and make a donation ✆ Priest Counseling +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp Nicolae Cirpala #MessageToBillions
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Priest counseling +7 981 130 83 85 Call Now Phone, WhatsApp at Priest answer to Any Questions, chat online with pastor, Counseling, Confession, Communion, Repentance, Order a prayer - Shepherd Online. Get the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 Phone, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger<br />Hello I’m father Nicolae.<br />I will help you to deal with Problems at Workplace, Job issues, problems at home, in your Family, Relationships, Life or Business, receive the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone, Skype, Live Chat<br />Life is good! Learn instantly online how to solve life problems, constantly improving the quality of your life. I will counsel you on any life or business problems, ready to provide you with online support and find the best solution to you problem or just listen you problems. Online consultations: -Life problems, business problems. -Answers to the secret Life questions. -Life advice. -How to have good Relationships. -Family counseling etc.<br />References: internet search Nicolae Cirpala.<br />How to order: -Make the donation to PayPal, or card ( just push the button above and folow the steps enter email and order you will redirect to PayPal to pay donation)<br />-Prepare a Question or Topic for Discussion<br />-Set up appointment. (send me your Skype or messenger contact )<br />-Check the computer or phone for consultation, microphone, headphones<br />-Get advice<br />Recommend Donation: - Phone or online conversation in messengers 1$ / 1min donation<br />- Online Chat, WhatsApp etc. 70$ / 1 ​​hour donation<br />-Personal meeting donation + Airfare (Possible only after online counseling.)<br />Thank you very much for reading this, you are Great!!! Call wherever you are now for consultation, lifelong support, to became a church member or cooperation.<br />Please make a donation now, a good deed for your soul Today - Donate to support our Global Prayer Chain #MessageToBillions that are helping many people globally! To donate just purchase and download Books for life from our store (for a bigger donation just order more Books, there is no limits)<br />Feel Free to Download Nicolae Cirpala Books support my vital initiatives and Join my interesting discussions in social networks: comment it, like it, share it, subscribe and Call Now to get lifelong: Life coaching, Marriage counseling and Business consultations - online by: Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone +79811308385 <br /> I'm building a good online Heavenly Parent’s Church #MessageToBillions and now have an happy life viral marathon just try to get 1B people to join please join and invite others whom you feel will Cooperate for this noble Vital cause, Volunteer and make a donation ✆ Priest Counseling +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp Nicolae Cirpala #MessageToBillions

Helsinki Priest counseling +7 981 130 83 85 Call Now Phone, WhatsApp at Priest answer to Any Questions, chat online with pastor, Counseling, Confession, Communion, Repentance, Order a prayer

Priest counseling +7 981 130 83 85 Call Now Phone, WhatsApp at Priest answer to Any Questions, chat online with pastor, Counseling, Confession, Communion, Repentance, Order a prayer - Shepherd Online. Get the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 Phone, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger
Hello I’m father Nicolae.
I will help you to deal with Problems at Workplace, Job issues, problems at home, in your Family, Relationships, Life or Business, receive the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone, Skype, Live Chat
Life is good! Learn instantly online how to solve life problems, constantly improving the quality of your life. I will counsel you on any life or business problems, ready to provide you with online support and find the best solution to you problem or just listen you problems. Online consultations: -Life problems, business problems. -Answers to the secret Life questions. -Life advice. -How to have good Relationships. -Family counseling etc.
References: internet search Nicolae Cirpala.
How to order: -Make the donation to PayPal, or card ( just push the button above and folow the steps enter email and order you will redirect to PayPal to pay donation)
-Prepare a Question or Topic for Discussion
-Set up appointment. (send me your Skype or messenger contact )
-Check the computer or phone for consultation, microphone, headphones
-Get advice
Recommend Donation: - Phone or online conversation in messengers 1$ / 1min donation
- Online Chat, WhatsApp etc. 70$ / 1 ​​hour donation
-Personal meeting donation + Airfare (Possible only after online counseling.)
Thank you very much for reading this, you are Great!!! Call wherever you are now for consultation, lifelong support, to became a church member or cooperation.
Please make a donation now, a good deed for your soul Today - Donate to support our Global Prayer Chain #MessageToBillions that are helping many people globally! To donate just purchase and download Books for life from our store (for a bigger donation just order more Books, there is no limits)
Feel Free to Download Nicolae Cirpala Books support my vital initiatives and Join my interesting discussions in social networks: comment it, like it, share it, subscribe and Call Now to get lifelong: Life coaching, Marriage counseling and Business consultations - online by: Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone +79811308385
I'm building a good online Heavenly Parent’s Church #MessageToBillions and now have an happy life viral marathon just try to get 1B people to join please join and invite others whom you feel will Cooperate for this noble Vital cause, Volunteer and make a donation ✆ Priest Counseling +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp Nicolae Cirpala #MessageToBillions
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Priest counseling +7 981 130 83 85 Call Now Phone, WhatsApp at Priest answer to Any Questions, chat online with pastor, Counseling, Confession, Communion, Repentance, Order a prayer - Shepherd Online. Get the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 Phone, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger<br />Hello I’m father Nicolae.<br />I will help you to deal with Problems at Workplace, Job issues, problems at home, in your Family, Relationships, Life or Business, receive the Blessing Call Now +7 981 130 83 85 WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone, Skype, Live Chat<br />Life is good! Learn instantly online how to solve life problems, constantly improving the quality of your life. I will counsel you on any life or business problems, ready to provide you with online support and find the best solution to you problem or just listen you problems. Online consultations: -Life problems, business problems. -Answers to the secret Life questions. -Life advice. -How to have good Relationships. -Family counseling etc.<br />References: internet search Nicolae Cirpala.<br />How to order: -Make the donation to PayPal, or card ( just push the button above and folow the steps enter email and order you will redirect to PayPal to pay donation)<br />-Prepare a Question or Topic for Discussion<br />-Set up appointment. (send me your Skype or messenger contact )<br />-Check the computer or phone for consultation, microphone, headphones<br />-Get advice<br />Recommend Donation: - Phone or online conversation in messengers 1$ / 1min donation<br />- Online Chat, WhatsApp etc. 70$ / 1 ​​hour donation<br />-Personal meeting donation + Airfare (Possible only after online counseling.)<br />Thank you very much for reading this, you are Great!!! Call wherever you are now for consultation, lifelong support, to became a church member or cooperation.<br />Please make a donation now, a good deed for your soul Today - Donate to support our Global Prayer Chain #MessageToBillions that are helping many people globally! To donate just purchase and download Books for life from our store (for a bigger donation just order more Books, there is no limits)<br />Feel Free to Download Nicolae Cirpala Books support my vital initiatives and Join my interesting discussions in social networks: comment it, like it, share it, subscribe and Call Now to get lifelong: Life coaching, Marriage counseling and Business consultations - online by: Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Phone +79811308385 <br /> I'm building a good online Heavenly Parent’s Church #MessageToBillions and now have an happy life viral marathon just try to get 1B people to join please join and invite others whom you feel will Cooperate for this noble Vital cause, Volunteer and make a donation ✆ Priest Counseling +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp Nicolae Cirpala #MessageToBillions

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Participati la seminarul fundraising si elaborarea propunerilor de proiect 14 Iunie, marti orele 13.00 -15.00.

Participati la seminarul fundraising si elaborarea propunerilor de  proiect 14 Iunie, marti orele 13.00 -15.00.
Acest seminar absolvit de sute de participanti va contribui la transformarea ideilor in proiecte de succes pentru a obtine finantari in vederea dezvoltarii organizatiei sau comunitatii Dvs.
Acest curs va contribui la transformarea ideilor in proiecte de succes pentru a obtine finantari in vederea dezvoltarii organizatiei sau comunitatii Dvs.
 La seminar sunt invitati lideri sociali, tineri adolescenti si  studenti-tineri voluntari sau potentiali voluntari cointeresati  in dezvoltarea capacitatilor si dezvoltarea abilitatilor personale in domeniul respectiv:
  - veti cunoaste cerintele de elaborare a proiectului si continutul cererii de finantare in conformitate cu un model eficient si simplu care asigura originalitatea ideii de proiect;
 - veti avea acces la detaliile scrierii unui proiect de succes;
 - veti sti ce decizii sa luati si cum sa ginditi fiecare actiune ca pe un proiect individual;
 - veti deveni o persoana capabila de a valorifica toate sansele de obtinere a unei finantari.
 Programul de seminar va fi constituit din:
  Partea introductiva:  Elemente de Fundraising, Criterii de intocmire a scrisorii de finantare;
Reguli de etica si comportament in efectuarea contactului direct cu potentialii finantatori;
 Descrierea componentelor unui proiect (formularea corecta a problemei, stabilirea tematicii, scopului,  obiectivelor,  metodologiei de lucru etc.)
  Descrierea compartimentului: Bugetul proiectului (componente esentiale)
 Finisarea proiectului, inminarea diplomelor
 Participarea 210 lei - donatie pentru proiectele Asociatei.  Doritorii sunt rugati sa confirme prezenta prin completarea chestionarului  de mai jos, la adresele e-mail:   si;
 Tel/Mob.069-00-63-51,Fax 73-83-30,
 Date personale:
 - Prenume:                                        Nume:   
 - E-mail:__                                       Tel:__                    
 - Ocupatia/Functia:__  
- Sursa de unde ati aflat despre seminar__
- Organizatia sau Institutia care o reprezentati:__  
 - Ce v-a atras la acest program de instruire? __  
 Data:__                         Semnatura:__
 Unele Reflectii de la seminarele precedente:
Participant 1. Am ramas cu o parere foarte buna fata de organizatori, iar asteptarile cu privire la notiunile prezentate s-au realizat la maxim.
Participanta 2. Mi-a placut cum au fost mobilizate echipele si aplicate  tehnicile de lucru. Aveam ceva neclaritati in special la componenta buget si datorita acestui seminar am reusit sa cunosc detaliile respective.
 Participant 3. Atelierul a avut un real succes, sunteti bravo! A fost prima mea experienta de a aplica si teorie si practică concomitent, am incercat sa iau maximum posibil din acest seminar şi am reusit.
 Participant 4. Mi-a placut acest seminar. M-am familiarizat cu toata informatia despre un proiect. A fost pe atit de util , cit si distractiv prin aplicarea jocurilor care erau in perfecta concordanta cu  tematica seminarului.
 Un videospot de la seminar aici: 
Fotografii de la seminare:
 Organizatiile ce au beneficiat de seminarele noastre: Primaria Chisinau, CARITAS Moldova, Universitatea de Studii Europene din Moldova, Institutul pentru drepturile omului din Moldova , Centrul pentru Prevenirea Traficului de Femei , Academia de Studii Economice , liceul „N. Iorga”, Universitatea Pedagogica de Stat “Ion Creanga”, Asociatia Obsteasca Enigma,15 Colegii din rep. Moldova s.a
 PS. Deasemenea puteti sa ne invitati sa organizam seminare si in localul Dumneavoastra.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

NGOs legal registration in Moldova Republic , making documents and submit them to registration office 500 Euros, No hidden fees

NGOs legal registration in Moldova Republic , making documents and submit them to registration office 500 Euros, No hidden fees
Contact us:
Nicolae Cirpala

Global partnerships portal for peace and development
 2025,Chisinau, Str. Constantin Virnav 13
Skype: irffmd
Fax: + 37322 738330 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Invitatie la seminarul Elaborarea propunerilor de proiect si Elemente de fundraising, 24Mai

Invitatie la seminarul Elaborarea propunerilor de proiect si Elemente de fundraising, 24Mai
Stimati, prieteni si colegi, Asociatia F IRFF ONLUS pe baza succesului din cadrul seminarelor anuale va invita la seminarul in fundraising si elaborarea propunerilor de  proiect, in baza unui concurs prin prezentarea  chestionarului de inscriere (Reflectii, blog, video,organizatiile participante si foto de la seminarele precedente mai jos).

Programul seminarului se va desfasura in perioada: 24 Mai 2011 orele 15.00-17.00
Acest curs va contribui la transformarea ideilor in proiecte de succes pentru a obtine finantari in vederea dezvoltarii organizatiei sau comunitatii Dvs.
 La seminar sunt invitati lideri sociali, tineri adolescenti si  studenti-tineri voluntari sau potentiali voluntari cointeresati  in dezvoltarea capacitatilor si dezvoltarea abilitatilor personale in domeniul respectiv:

 - veti cunoaste cerintele de elaborare a proiectului si continutul cererii de finantare in conformitate cu un model eficient si simplu care asigura originalitatea ideii de proiect;

- veti avea acces la detaliile scrierii unui proiect de succes;

- veti sti ce decizii sa luati si cum sa ginditi fiecare actiune ca pe un proiect individual;

- veti deveni o persoana capabila de a valorifica toate sansele de obtinere a unei finantari.

Programul de seminar va fi constituit din:

 Partea introductiva:  Elemente de Fundraising, Criterii de intocmire a scrisorii de finantare;
Reguli de etica si comportament in efectuarea contactului direct cu potentialii finantatori;
 Descrierea componentelor unui proiect (formularea corecta a problemei, stabilirea tematicii, scopului, obiectivelor,  metodologiei de lucru etc.)
  Descrierea compartimentului: Bugetul proiectului (componente esentiale)
 Finisarea proiectului, inminarea diplomelor

Participarea 210 lei - donatie pentru proiectele Asociatei.  Doritorii sunt rugati sa confirme prezenta prin completarea chestionarului  de mai jos, la adresele e-mail:   si;

Tel/Mob.069-00-63-51,Fax 73-83-30, 


Date personale:
 - Prenume:                                        Nume:   
 - E-mail:__                                       Tel:__                    
 - Ocupatia/Functia:__  
- Sursa de unde ati aflat despre seminar__
- Organizatia sau Institutia care o reprezentati:__  
 - Ce v-a atras la acest program de instruire? __  
 Data:__                         Semnatura:__

Unele Reflectii de la seminarele precedente:
Participant 1. Am ramas cu o parere foarte buna fata de organizatori, iar asteptarile cu privire la notiunile prezentate s-au realizat la maxim.

Participanta 2. Mi-a placut cum au fost mobilizate echipele si aplicate  tehnicile de lucru. Aveam ceva neclaritati in special la componenta buget si datorita acestui seminar am reusit sa cunosc detaliile respective.

Participant 3. Atelierul a avut un real succes, sunteti bravo! A fost prima mea experienta de a aplica si teorie si practică concomitent, am incercat sa iau maximum posibil din acest seminar şi am reusit.

Participant 4. Mi-a placut acest seminar. M-am familiarizat cu toata informatia despre un proiect. A fost pe atit de util , cit si distractiv prin aplicarea jocurilor care erau in perfecta concordanta cu  tematica seminarului.

Un videospot de la seminar aici: 
Fotografii de la seminare:

Organizatiile ce au beneficiat de seminarele noastre: Primaria Chisinau, CARITAS Moldova, Universitatea de Studii Europene din Moldova, Institutul pentru drepturile omului din Moldova ,Centrul pentru Prevenirea Traficului de Femei , Academia de Studii Economice , liceul „N. Iorga”, Universitatea Pedagogica de Stat “Ion Creanga”, Asociatia Obsteasca Enigma,15 Colegii din rep. Moldova s.a

- Find International Partner to business, government, media,
nonprofit, church, sport, science, health, arts, travel etc. organizations
or post Sponsorships, investments, grants, tenders
on Partnerships Portal :

- Internship, Volunteer invitation for:
international communications, fundraising, NGOs, radio, TV, social media, etc. positions
within our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit
organization, IRFF Moldova at

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Invitatie la seminarul Elaborarea propunerilor de proiect si Elemente de fundraising, 22 Martie 2011 orele 15.00-17.00.

Invitatie la seminarul Elaborarea propunerilor de proiect si Elemente de fundraising, 22 Martie 2011 orele 15.00-17.00.
Stimati, prieteni si colegi, Asociatia F IRFF ONLUS pe baza succesului din cadrul seminarelor anuale va invita la seminarul in fundraising si elaborarea propunerilor de  proiect, in baza unui concurs prin prezentarea  chestionarului de inscriere (Reflectii, blog, video,organizatiile participante si foto de la seminarele precedente mai jos).

Programul seminarului se va desfasura in perioada: 22 Martie 2011 orele 15.00-17.00.
Acest curs va contribui la transformarea ideilor in proiecte de succes pentru a obtine finantari in vederea dezvoltarii organizatiei sau comunitatii Dvs.
 La seminar sunt invitati lideri sociali, tineri adolescenti si  studenti-tineri voluntari sau potentiali voluntari cointeresati  in dezvoltarea capacitatilor si dezvoltarea abilitatilor personale in domeniul respectiv:

 - veti cunoaste cerintele de elaborare a proiectului si continutul cererii de finantare in conformitate cu un model eficient si simplu care asigura originalitatea ideii de proiect;

- veti avea acces la detaliile scrierii unui proiect de succes;

- veti sti ce decizii sa luati si cum sa ginditi fiecare actiune ca pe un proiect individual;

- veti deveni o persoana capabila de a valorifica toate sansele de obtinere a unei finantari.

Programul de seminar va fi constituit din:

 Partea introductiva:  Elemente de Fundraising, Criterii de intocmire a scrisorii de finantare;
Reguli de etica si comportament in efectuarea contactului direct cu potentialii finantatori;
 Descrierea componentelor unui proiect (formularea corecta a problemei, stabilirea tematicii, scopului,  obiectivelor,  metodologiei de lucru etc.)
  Descrierea compartimentului: Bugetul proiectului (componente esentiale)
 Finisarea proiectului, inminarea diplomelor

Participarea 210 lei - donatie pentru proiectele Asociatei.  Doritorii sunt rugati sa confirme prezenta prin completarea chestionarului  de mai jos, la adresele e-mail:   si;

Tel/Mob.069-00-63-51,Fax 73-83-30,


Date personale:
 - Prenume:                                        Nume:   
 - E-mail:__                                       Tel:__                    
 - Ocupatia/Functia:__  
- Sursa de unde ati aflat despre seminar__
- Organizatia sau Institutia care o reprezentati:__  
 - Ce v-a atras la acest program de instruire? __  
 Data:__                         Semnatura:__

Unele Reflectii de la seminarele precedente:
Participant 1. Am ramas cu o parere foarte buna fata de organizatori, iar asteptarile cu privire la notiunile prezentate s-au realizat la maxim.

Participanta 2. Mi-a placut cum au fost mobilizate echipele si aplicate  tehnicile de lucru. Aveam ceva neclaritati in special la componenta buget si datorita acestui seminar am reusit sa cunosc detaliile respective.

Participant 3. Atelierul a avut un real succes, sunteti bravo! A fost prima mea experienta de a aplica si teorie si practică concomitent, am incercat sa iau maximum posibil din acest seminar şi am reusit.

Participant 4. Mi-a placut acest seminar. M-am familiarizat cu toata informatia despre un proiect. A fost pe atit de util , cit si distractiv prin aplicarea jocurilor care erau in perfecta concordanta cu  tematica seminarului.

Un videospot de la seminar aici: 
Fotografii de la seminare:

Organizatiile ce au beneficiat de seminarele noastre: Primaria Chisinau, CARITAS Moldova, Universitatea de Studii Europene din Moldova, Institutul pentru drepturile omului din Moldova , Centrul pentru Prevenirea Traficului de Femei , Academia de Studii Economice , liceul „N. Iorga”, Universitatea Pedagogica de Stat “Ion Creanga”, Asociatia Obsteasca Enigma,15 Colegii din rep. Moldova s.a

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