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Monday, September 6, 2010
Participati la seminarul scrierea proiectelor pentru finantare si fundraising Marti 7 septembrie orele 15.00 -16.30.
Friday, July 2, 2010
fundraising and development project proposals seminar
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fundraising Seminar
Participati la seminarul fundraising si elaborarea propunerilor de proiect in orsice Marti orele 13.00 -15.00. Acest seminar absolvit de sute de participanti va contribui la transformarea ideilor in proiecte de succes pentru a obtine finantari in vederea dezvoltarii organizatiei sau comunitatii Dvs.
Participarea 340 lei - donatie pentru proiectele Asociatei.
Doritorii de a participa sunt rugati sa confirme prezenta prin completarea chestionarului de mai jos pina Simbata inclusiv la adresele e-mail: si . Localul seminarului IRFF Moldova Seminar site.
CHESTIONAR DE INSCRIERE Date personale: Prenume: Nume: E-mail:_ Tel:_ Mob:__
Hobby:__ Organizatia/Functia:__ Sursa de unde ati aflat despre seminar__
Aveti experienta in elaborarea proiectelor de finantare:_ Ce programe de finantare va intereseaza :__
Data:__ Semnatura:__
PS. Deasemenea puteti sa ne invitati sa organizam seminare si in localul Dumneavoastra.
Attend fundraising and development project proposals seminar on any Tuesday from 13.00 -15.00. This seminar graduated by hundreds of participants will help to turn you ideas into successful projects to get funding. Participation is just 20 Euros
Persons interested in participating are asked to confirm this with the filed up questionnaire from below until Saturday by e-mail addresses: and
Seminar website.
QUESTIONNAIRE FORM Personal Data: Name:_ Surname_: E-mail: _ Phone: _ Mob: __
Hobbies: __ Organization / Position: __ source where you find announcement about seminar__
Do you have experience in fundraising: _ What financing programs are you interested in: __
Date: __ Signature: __
PS. You can also invite us to organize seminars at your site. IRFF Moldova constantly organizes: advice meetings, courses, internships, seminars on projects writing and fundraising strategies, you could participate in our programs or invite us to organise them at you office, contact us by our official web portal:
IRFF Молдова постоянно организует: встречи, стажировки, семинары по написанию проектов и стратегиям по сбору средств, вы тоже можете принять участие в наших образовательных программах по сбору средств или пригласить нашу команду организовать обучение у вас, просто свяжитесь с нами.
Более подробная информация на нашем веб-портале: