Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Intern or volunteer by international social work and travel low cost program in Eastern Europe, close to Russia for individual or group!

Intern or volunteer by international social work and travel low cost program in Eastern Europe, close to Russia for individual or group!

IRFFMD and its project International Volunteer Academy is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, investment, charity and development programs, creating various community service projects, providing health care services to those who need it.

IRFFMD relies on the efforts of interns and volunteers to make its programs to work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 10 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simple to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are welcomed also. We are able to accept those that speak English, Romanian, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Hungarian, Polish, Slovenian, German etc.

Interning or volunteering is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. We provide training at our office to make sure that you will be prepared and ready to handle any project or assignment that we give you. In addition, you are free to stay for any length of time, from 1 week (most popular) to 12 months and more. IRFFMD is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, schools exchange, medical, religious, visiting holly places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural, ecologic etc. programs and tours.
We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 100 Euros to cover the administration costs of arranging your placement here.

We currently have internship opportunities available in:
·         Media
·         Fundraising
·         Teaching
·         NGOs
·         Public Relations
·         Social enterprise
·         Web development, IT etc.
We also have volunteer opportunities available at:
·         Language schools
·         Orphanages
·         Elders houses
·         Local ministries
·         And more, just contact us!

Our internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Eastern Europe while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Moldova or in neighboring countries by few hour drive ex. Black Sea side, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Tiraspol, Crimea or 2 hours fly to Moscow, EU  big cities etc. More details: Participants Travel   Independently or in Groups, Typically Participants Work : Independently or in Groups of any size, Application Process Involves: Resume, Post-Program Services Include: Internship Network,  Year Founded: 2001, Religious Requirements:   Internship, volunteer at IRFFMD is a Unificationists based organization. We do not require our participants to be of the same faith. Volunteers are free to join religious activities.
In order to apply, send your resume and request to .

Find us: IRFFMD on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc. webs and see what we are all about!
PS. Begun on June 11, 2001, the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international IRFFMD movement, which began in Moldova and now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word!
So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful is!  You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook :
• Youtube (video channel):
  Or find International Partners to business, government, media, nonprofit, travel etc. organizations,
post Sponsorships, investments, grants, tenders on Global Partnerships Portal : 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Royal Norwegian Embassy has recently launched the year 2011’s edition of the Small Project Fund for the Republic of Moldova

The Royal Norwegian Embassy has recently launched the year 2011’s edition of the Small Project Fund for the Republic of Moldova. The deadline for submitting an application for financial support is September 9th 2011. For details regarding this fund, please visit our website

Programul Operaţional Comun România-Ucraina-Republica Moldova 2007-2013 este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană prin Instrumentul European de Vecinatate și Parteneriat și este cofinanțat de statele participante în program.

Granițe commune. Soluții comune.
A c e s t p r o ie c t e s te f in a n t a t d e U n i u n e a E u r o p e a n a
Programul Operaţional Comun România-Ucraina-Republica Moldova 2007-2013 este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană prin Instrumentul European
de Vecinatate și Parteneriat și este cofinanțat de statele participante în program.
Conţinutul acestui material nu reflectă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene.
Consultare publică privind Pachetele Solicitantului pentru cel de al
doilea apel de propuneri de proiecte
Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Turismului în calitate de Autoritate Comună de
Management a Programului Operațional Comun România – Ucraina – Republica
Moldova 2007-2013, a postat pe site-ul programului,, spre
consultare publică, cele doua pachete ale solicitantului (unul pentru Prioritățile 1
și 2 și unul pentru Prioritatea 3), în vederea pregătirii celui de-al doilea apel de
propuneri de proiecte din cadrul acestui program.
Pachetele solicitantului cuprind: ghidurile solicitantului, formatul de cerere de
finanțare, formatul de buget, matricea cadru-logic, anexele care trebuie
completate de către solicitant, precum și anexele cu privire la contractul de
finanțare nerambursabilă.
Vă invităm să transmiteți eventualele observații sau sugestii cu privire la
documentație, până la data de 18 iulie 2011, la
Programul Operational Comun România-Ucraina-Republica Moldova 2007-2013

Thursday, July 7, 2011


                                                                                                                Príloha č. 1  k Smernici č.92/2009  

The Application Must Be Submitted in English

Name of the project:

Name of the organization (English translation):

Name of the organization (in local language):


Phone and fax numbers, e-mail address:

Represented by (name, title):

Background of the representative (please state the representative´s title and background and attach CV of the people who will be engaged in the project):

Background of the organization (please attach a copy of the registration papers):

Any previous Slovak Government funding:

Project start date: (month/year)
Project end date: (month/year)
(Note: Max. project contractual period not to be exceed 6 months)

Amount requested (in EURO):

Project description:

Project purpose(what goals will be achieved and how the results will be determined/measured):

Project justification (please describe the need or problems the project will solve and the target groups):

Project sustainability:

Detailed description of the project activities:

Detailed budget (please use the table below):

Budget items:             
Price per unit:
Number of units:
Slovak Embassy budget:
Final Beneficiary cost sharing if applicable:
Other support cost sharing if applicable:
Total in EURO:


How will you meet the program and financial reporting requirements (e.g., who will prepare the financial report?):

Final Beneficiary cost sharing if applicable, (other support cost sharing if applicable):

Other organizations you applied to with the same project and status of your application:

_________________________                                                         __________________________
City, date                                                                                                         Signature of Applicant


Application No.
Received (date)
Amount Requested
Amount Awarded

Slovak Embassy recommendation:

                                                                                                                                                Head of Mission